
Pastor Alexander
Rev. Lionell Alexander is pastor of Greater Mount Olive Baptist Church. His objective is to serve in an effort to foster the ideals of the New Testament church, as outlined in the book of Acts, Chapter 2, Verses 40 – 47. His aim is to oversee Greater Mount Olive as it strives to be a lively, energetic, and joyful congregation in worship and praise to God. Pastor Alexander believes Greater Mount Olive’s purpose is to edify the Body of Christ, and to be a light in the community where men, women and children may seek the answer to the question, “What must I do to be saved?” He also endeavors to provide the Greater Mount Olive members the opportunity to give of their time, talent, and treasure as faithful stewards in service to God.
First Lady Alexander

Sis. Sherva Alexander is the First Lady of greater Mount Olive Baptist Church. She has been a great support to her husband, as pastor, as well as in many other ministries within the church. Sherva has used her many talents as the director of our Vacation Bible School, Women’s Sunday School teacher, and overseer of the behind the scenes work to maintain our social media pages and website.